Friday, December 28, 2007

The last Singapore BDSM meet of 2007

The last Singapore BDSM meet of 2007

We broke chairs, flogged bottoms, tied hands, and ...
.... put slaves in their place with ropes.
Thanks to Sir Alex, Mistress Nicole, slave ada, sub sheila, sub jack, slave dickson, shy rayne and our guest for making the last SGDOMSUBS meet of 2007.

Singapore BDSM:
China BDSM:
Singapore transgender:

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Singapore: Xmas party with the Santarinas of Sggurls

Singapore: Xmas party with the Santarinas of Sggurls
Singapore, 22 Dec 2007
'Tis was a hot steamy X'mas celebration in our cozy favorite bar. The gurls looked so lovely and very festive. They sure did look like the sexy Santarinas that the made the patrons at Backstage go goo goo ga ga over. We were very lucky to be graced by two members of the SGDOMSUBS group, Master Mark (kamerad_eks) and slave dickson. The gifts started stacking up as time advanced quickly from 9:30 pm into midnight. Our gurls and friends started to fill the bar.
The gift exchange was formal? LOL, this was the comment from Kaila the gurl with the sexiest and longest legs in Singapore. In actuality, after a few rounds of alcohol, no one knew what they were doing.
The party really started to pick up after 2:00 pm. With some encouragement from our friends at Backstage Bar and a little bit more alcohol to loosen up everyone, the gurls started getting kinky and were oozing out seductiveness from their pores.
We got to .......become the Domme Santarina demanding to be worshipped , ...practice our scarf Bondage on Cindy,
....witness a little naughty lez play, ...engage in lots of spanking fun,
....and finally getting a little shagging.

'Tis was a night to remember. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Singapore BDSM:
Singapore Trangender / CD group:
China BDSM:

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Singapore BDSM and tgurls outing: Tattoo party - marking Your property

Singapore BDSM and tgurls outing: Tattoo party - marking Your property
SingaporeSaturday-Sunday, 15-16th December 2007

Life would be ever so b&b (bland and boring) without spice.

The spice of this weekend is the tattoo party where the Dominant chooses a temporary tattoo and the slave has to wear it for a specified duration. Though the tattoo is temporary and the duration ranges from a few hours to a few days, the feeling that the Dominant and slave share is very erotic and intimate. BDSM is not always about just tying people up and spanking them silly. 80% of BDSM is in the mind which happens to be the largest sex organ of homosapiens.

The slave sometimes gets to choose the location of where the Dominant will place the tattoo. This discretion and generosity depends from on Dominant to the other. Some Dominant chooses the location of the tattoo which hopefully is not on the slave's forehead.
Adaline our webmistress for the SGGURLS group picked some of the most lovely tattoos. The design ranged from flower motifs to some very extravagant oriental dragon pattern. My personal favorites were the dragon and the scorpion. One on each side of my cleavage.
Master Alex our resident bondage expert from SGDOMSUBS brought lots of ropes and toys. Our voluteer / slaves were literally tied up for hours or until the cried for mercy. In attendance of the fabulous tattoo party were Master Warren with slave susan, Master John Lestat (SGDOMSUBS founder) with slave stacy, the two lovely Ivys, webmistress / slave adaline, Kaila, sWitch Ken and finally Nicole.

Our gracious host in Backstage bar ( made us feel at home. Ambience, friendliness, space for us to have fun, discreet location, and little exclusivity makes this bar the perfect choice for us. The choice of venue for our parties and meets may not be that obvious to outsiders since we still want to be discreet.

Singapore BDSM group:
Singapore tgurls group:
China BDSM group:

Friday, December 7, 2007

The nexus of a paradox: a slave & a MISTRESS
To be a Domme or a slave. To be a man or a woman. This is the paradox that i live in and a fine line that i ride. It is fun and with that I gain so much insight into the mind of both worlds. So in this grey kinky world of BDSM (Bondage & Dungeon, Domination & Submission, Sado-Masochism), i can offer some insight into the world of a Dominant and the world of a slave.

As a Domme
I don't like one liners like 'hey Mistress come twist my nipple or come whip my butt.' One liners earn a quick trip to my iggy bin. I couldn't be bothered to read stupid slaves who can't even be bothered to at least sound like a mutt. I have met half wit slaves and I have yet to find one that can meet my standards. A recent slave in Singapore approach me and beg me to his Mistress. This pathetic worm said that he could take pain. Two swats from my paddle and this slave cried for mercy. What a waste of my time... I am not desperate for slaves. I have more than I can handle. Most literature points that for every 100 subs, there is one Domme. So you can imagine, Dommes are spoilt for choices. I dislike slaves that are disloyal, un-timely, and put my desires above theirs. A slave is a slave and they are meant to serve me. A slave must TRUST Me wholeheartedly as their Mistress and that I will bring no harm to them. they should love me whole heartedly. As a Mistress, the relationship is one that is unequal.

As a slave
i will serve my Mistress with all my heart. Her needs are always above mine. Her satisfaction is my creed. i will tell Her honestly my limitations and try my best to exceed Her expectations. i will finish all assignments given to me by my Mistress without questioning. i will complete my tasks in a timely manner, with no excuses and with total devotion.

For more information:

Friday, November 30, 2007

aaaa...the power of bondage, merciless teasing and pleasure

Backstage bar, Singapore
29th November, 2007
The last Thursday of every month is when the SGDOMSUB group meets to share stories and just catch up on each other. The group is based in Singapore and made of people who are just very 'normal' otherwise shed their conformity sheep skin and instead don their leather & pvcs. (Yeah right...this is conservative Singapore but we can dream can we?) BDSM is the common thread that bind these fun loving bdsm practitioners together.

This meet is quite well attended. About 15 persons going and coming at different time. The fun that really started to take off about 10pm. Alex_the bondage king, SDGOMSUBS, resident rope master provided the rope work. The beautiful gurls from the SGGURLS group became the bondage models.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Whoa!! What a GLOBAL fun loaded Saturday ....

....this Friday and Saturday have been incredible. Its great to be alive.


Har! Har!..I can't say too much for my Friday fun's too much triple X to write here.

Saturday was a fun filled day. We had a tearful bash to see Bernice off at MOX.
This is one the hottest private drag party in Singapore and it's a miracle that I manage to snag an invite from the luvly Bernice. OMG that girl is beautiful and too bad she had to leave. She had loads of friends. There was easily 500 people in attendance. We were packed like sardines and I loved it. Har har...

After the private drag party we were running so late for our sggurls outing to Taboo bar & cafe's 10th year anniversary. By the time we were at taboo, it was close to 1am. The place is so packed with so many hot bodies. It was inevitable that we would get molested on our way in and out...and of course, we loved it. The dance floor was fantastic. It look like a monstrous wave of gyrating naked bodies.
About 2am we just adjourned to our safe haven Backstage bar. We love the bar. Its now like our sggurls home away from home. The manager Terrence is so sweet. He always make us gurls feel at ease and at home. The gurls unanimously agree that this is our favorite bar in Singapore.

Whilst we were having a bashing time in Singapore, the BDSM scene in China picked up a lot of speed in Shanghai and Beijing. Both cities' BDSM meet were well attended thanks to the efforts of Master Bi'an ( and Mistress Fifi (
For more information on China's BDSM scene, please go to
BDSM China:
BDSM Singapore:
Transgender & CD in Singapore:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I think we have found our favorite bar:

It has been several consecutive weekends that we have partied together. The gurls in Singapore are fantastic, very friendly and beautiful. Not to mention very open to BDSM. Beautiful and kinky tgurls...OMG, this is what having fun is about. When surrounded by all these beautiful submisive gurls, I just can't help myself but dominate them. Har har...

More about our friendly fun luving Singapore tgurl's group:
For regular BDSM meets in ...
Backstage Bar (
Address: 13A Trenggannu St (corner of Temple and Trenggannu St), Chinatown, Singapore
Tel: 6227-1712,

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Saturday November 17, 2007 - 11:44pm (PST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

BDSM meet in Singapore 10 Nov 2007

Some of sisters are a little tied up when they are with me.
It was hot sizzling fun in Singapore yesterday. We had Master Weng who supplied the handcuffs, Master Hendrik the scarf bondage magician, shy rayne and the queens of BDSM mayhem.
For more information on BDSM in ..
- Singapore:
- China:
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Sunday November 11, 2007 - 12:19am (PST) Edit Delete Permanent Link 2 Comments

Bar hopping on a Wednesday Night

Who says weekdays have to be boring? Partying till 5 am in the morning and not sleeping the next day with the party posse is just too tempting to give up.

The party posse:

Life is too short. Play or be played.

Gurls nite out: Halloween fun and a prizes for us gurls

I had forgotten how fun Singapore was. It wasn't difficult to meet with the gurls in Sg. They are cool and my god they are really beautiful. Their photos don't do them justice.
We went to to hangout. That is such a super cool bar. Of course winning a price on Halloween night helped swayed our bias.
The gurls are just giddy for winning their prizes. Photo session in progress.
We of course went bar hopping until 4 am in the morning.
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Sunday October 28, 2007 - 06:04am (PDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Knots a-ahoy, a Singapore BDSM meet

Singapore, 25th Oct 2007
After languishing awhile, the BDSM meet on thursday 25th Oct was quite a buzz. After a somewhat subdued start, toys were brought out and the next thing you know we were full steam ahead in the kinky department. There were knots being tied on quite a few willing models.
The Master of bondage at work:
The Queens of BDSM:
For more details on BDSM in asia:
You can also email me for more information on our meets.
I promise we don't bite but we do pinch and spank.
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Saturday October 27, 2007 - 12:33am (PDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Chilling out on a Saturday

Kevin's Bar is a small upscale but quiet bar located in Shanghai's back lane on the crossroad between Changle lu and Wulumuqi Zhong Lu. It's unpretentious and the Thai food though average, its reasonably prices.Left: Vicky. Right: Nic not feeling too great due to a little cold.
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Saturday October 6, 2007 - 09:12pm (PDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Shanghai, CHINA: Drag Party 2007, August-11-2007

This was definitely the Drag Party of the year. Holy moly, Shanghai Studio was packed like Sardines. This was a HOT party with some of the most incredible looking and hip people I have seen roaming in Shanghai. Credit goes to the to Shanghai GBLT group ( an almost 500 strong and active group of members who put in incredible effort to make the Drag event a sensational party. So if you missed out on the party, Har! Har! too bad, don't wanna be ya. Just kidding. The GBLT group host quite a few cool party events. Their contact detail is below.

If you like more details of future Shanghai GBLT events, you can join the group or contact them at
And NO they don't bite and YES they're incredibly supportive & friendly. The group is moderated so please make sure you fill in your yahoo profile and ask to join politely.

More pics of the party taken by Ken:
Review written on the Shanghaiist:
August 13, 2007

yfla.wrap("This multimedia content requires Flash version 9 and above.", "Upgrade Now.", "http:\/\/\/shockwave\/download\/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash", "");

Function VBGetSwfVer(i)
on error resume next
Dim swControl, swVersion
swVersion = 0
set swControl = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i))
if (IsObject(swControl)) then
swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version")
end if
VBGetSwfVer = swVersion
End Function
Saturday saw the likes of Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Maggie Cheung and other miscellaneous tramps descending upon Shanghai Studio for the Drag Party of the Year organised by the Shanghai LGBT group. The city's favourite drag queen, Gwen from Tempe, also graced the special occasion with her presence and added to the festive spirit of the party. Some party attendees also decided to swing across the road to Eddy's Bar (another prominent location in the city's gay ghetto), attracting curious stares from people in the neighbourhood and taxi-drivers sticking their heads out. Apart from the paparazzi catching some pretty damning shots of us engaging in some hot wet lesbian action, we also had some strange men rubbing up against us all night and other men inviting us home for a tryst with their girlfriends. Okay, TMI we know, but really, it's been a long time since we put on our wig let our hair down for such a smashin' party, and went home at 6am when the lights were all out. Till the next time we put on our qipao, keep swingin' Shanghai!
Tags: Saturday August 11, 2007 - 11:14am (PDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

good whipping weekend

The BDSM meet held at (Shanghai, CHINA) was spectacular thanks from a good support from the frangipani team. The turnout was awesome with several really fun people. The party turned out quite wild -well at least for Asian standard. Details in here: group is open to all people interested in BDSM and live/visits CHINA.

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Sunday September 30, 2007 - 09:15pm (PDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

Shanghai, CHINA: ROPE bondage demo, 18 August 2007 (SATURDAY)

The low key nascent BDSM group established in China met in Shanghai at Frangipani ( on 18th of August. The group comprise of non-pro BDSM practitioners and enthusiast. Though only less than a year old the group has attracted 200 members. In the recent meet, the theme was bondage with ropes. Ropes were wound tightly and passion for bondage ran ahigh. Mistress Nicole and Mistress Fifi bound and teased the slaves (slave bryce, slave nora, and slave dodo) mercilessly.
For more details on the group, please follow the link below for details:
Please note that this is a moderated group. You must have a yahoo profile with the minimum information of Name, Location, Age (only 21+ age accepted), Gender, D/s preference (Master/Mistress, sWitch, slave).
Wednesday August 15, 2007 - 01:26am (PDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments

What a weekend!!!

Shanghai rocks especially with the Shanghai LGBT group. That was the first party for the night. The pic is taken from the second party. I lost some recollection at the third party. I think someone carried me back to my hotel that morning. I think going to three parties in a row is too much. Who licked and slobbered all over my toes last night / this morning? I woke up with a note in my handbag complimenting my ruby red toe nails. Gawd. my pantyhose and toes smell like saliva. I have a feeling that it wasn't just saliva('s kinda of sticky). Anyway I can't remember much after a few 'kan bei' on mou tai. Some friends you are forcing a gurl to drink over her limit. Anyway, I had to live the whole day with the saliva smell on my feet and a bad hangover - I had no time to shower before my flight.
To find out more about our private BDSM parties, you must be a member of and we must have met you before during our meets.

Sunday August 12, 2007 - 06:50am (PDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 1 Comment

Shanghai, CHINA: Drag Party 2007, August-11-2007

Shanghai, CHINA: Drag Party 2007
This was definitely the Drag Party of the year. Holy moly, Shanghai Studio was packed like Sardines. This was a HOT party with some of the most incredible looking and hip people I have seen roaming in Shanghai. Credit goes to the to Shanghai GBLT group ( an almost 500 strong and active group of members who put in incredible effort to make the Drag event a sensational party. So if you missed out on the party, Har! Har! too bad, don't wanna be ya. Just kidding. The GBLT group host quite a few cool party events. Their contact detail is below.

If you like more details of future Shanghai GBLT events, you can join the group or contact them at
And NO they don't bite and YES they're incredibly supportive & friendly. The group is moderated so please make sure you fill in your yahoo profile and ask to join politely.

More pics of the party taken by Ken:
Review written on the Shanghaiist:
August 13, 2007
Drag Party of the Year @ Shanghai Studio

yfla.wrap("This multimedia content requires Flash version 9 and above.", "Upgrade Now.", "http:\/\/\/shockwave\/download\/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash", "");

Function VBGetSwfVer(i)
on error resume next
Dim swControl, swVersion
swVersion = 0
set swControl = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i))
if (IsObject(swControl)) then
swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version")
end if
VBGetSwfVer = swVersion
End Function
Saturday saw the likes of Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Maggie Cheung and other miscellaneous tramps descending upon Shanghai Studio for the Drag Party of the Year organised by the Shanghai LGBT group. The city's favourite drag queen, Gwen from Tempe, also graced the special occasion with her presence and added to the festive spirit of the party. Some party attendees also decided to swing across the road to Eddy's Bar (another prominent location in the city's gay ghetto), attracting curious stares from people in the neighbourhood and taxi-drivers sticking their heads out. Apart from the paparazzi catching some pretty damning shots of us engaging in some hot wet lesbian action, we also had some strange men rubbing up against us all night and other men inviting us home for a tryst with their girlfriends. Okay, TMI we know, but really, it's been a long time since we put on our wig let our hair down for such a smashin' party, and went home at 6am when the lights were all out. Till the next time we put on our qipao, keep swingin' Shanghai!

Saturday August 11, 2007 - 11:14am (PDT) Edit Delete Permanent Link 0 Comments