Saturday, December 15, 2007

Singapore BDSM and tgurls outing: Tattoo party - marking Your property

Singapore BDSM and tgurls outing: Tattoo party - marking Your property
SingaporeSaturday-Sunday, 15-16th December 2007

Life would be ever so b&b (bland and boring) without spice.

The spice of this weekend is the tattoo party where the Dominant chooses a temporary tattoo and the slave has to wear it for a specified duration. Though the tattoo is temporary and the duration ranges from a few hours to a few days, the feeling that the Dominant and slave share is very erotic and intimate. BDSM is not always about just tying people up and spanking them silly. 80% of BDSM is in the mind which happens to be the largest sex organ of homosapiens.

The slave sometimes gets to choose the location of where the Dominant will place the tattoo. This discretion and generosity depends from on Dominant to the other. Some Dominant chooses the location of the tattoo which hopefully is not on the slave's forehead.
Adaline our webmistress for the SGGURLS group picked some of the most lovely tattoos. The design ranged from flower motifs to some very extravagant oriental dragon pattern. My personal favorites were the dragon and the scorpion. One on each side of my cleavage.
Master Alex our resident bondage expert from SGDOMSUBS brought lots of ropes and toys. Our voluteer / slaves were literally tied up for hours or until the cried for mercy. In attendance of the fabulous tattoo party were Master Warren with slave susan, Master John Lestat (SGDOMSUBS founder) with slave stacy, the two lovely Ivys, webmistress / slave adaline, Kaila, sWitch Ken and finally Nicole.

Our gracious host in Backstage bar ( made us feel at home. Ambience, friendliness, space for us to have fun, discreet location, and little exclusivity makes this bar the perfect choice for us. The choice of venue for our parties and meets may not be that obvious to outsiders since we still want to be discreet.

Singapore BDSM group:
Singapore tgurls group:
China BDSM group:

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