Saturday, November 24, 2007

Whoa!! What a GLOBAL fun loaded Saturday ....

....this Friday and Saturday have been incredible. Its great to be alive.


Har! Har!..I can't say too much for my Friday fun's too much triple X to write here.

Saturday was a fun filled day. We had a tearful bash to see Bernice off at MOX.
This is one the hottest private drag party in Singapore and it's a miracle that I manage to snag an invite from the luvly Bernice. OMG that girl is beautiful and too bad she had to leave. She had loads of friends. There was easily 500 people in attendance. We were packed like sardines and I loved it. Har har...

After the private drag party we were running so late for our sggurls outing to Taboo bar & cafe's 10th year anniversary. By the time we were at taboo, it was close to 1am. The place is so packed with so many hot bodies. It was inevitable that we would get molested on our way in and out...and of course, we loved it. The dance floor was fantastic. It look like a monstrous wave of gyrating naked bodies.
About 2am we just adjourned to our safe haven Backstage bar. We love the bar. Its now like our sggurls home away from home. The manager Terrence is so sweet. He always make us gurls feel at ease and at home. The gurls unanimously agree that this is our favorite bar in Singapore.

Whilst we were having a bashing time in Singapore, the BDSM scene in China picked up a lot of speed in Shanghai and Beijing. Both cities' BDSM meet were well attended thanks to the efforts of Master Bi'an ( and Mistress Fifi (
For more information on China's BDSM scene, please go to
BDSM China:
BDSM Singapore:
Transgender & CD in Singapore:

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