Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Legend

When I am called a Legend by strangers who followed me for over a decade, it makes me think of Will Smith. Didn't Robert Neville die at the end of the movie?
I am probably Singapore's most well known underground figure because I am so easy to spot. I am the blonde Asian gurl when blonde on Asian wasn't fashionable. SGGURLS rose to fame because of my infamy. My bdsm exploits are known in most leather and lgbt circles. Kink is the spice of life. Everyday eat rice, not that nice. Definitely xian (local Singapore slang for: 不厌倦同样的狗屎).
I have personal ads running all the time as a market markers. They have a very big disclaimer: "I am not commercial." I do work my ass off, but my butt it is not for sale.
These ads net hundreds of inquiries per week. It's a lot of work to guarantee that my recreation time is idiot free. I go through 9,999 dunderheads to get that coveted playmate. To blow through the garbage, my replies are zen. Tabloid journalist, feast on these samples. I have tonnes of them.
 A mountain turtle doesn't know about Ladies night .If you don't want turtle soup, set your date on Ladies night. If your date doesn't know the day, then it's a nay. Bobbitt the hobbit. Every Wednesday in Singapore has been ladies night since the 80's. Maybe 3 looks like breast? I have been frequenting Lulus. It's a very classy joint.
kik nicolesingslave
SGGURLS an open umbrella transgender social group. Friends welcome. Be cool, friendly and comfy in your own skin.
SGGURLS founder: kik nicolesingslave
Old sggurls forum:
Tags: #cd, #lifestyle, #singapore, #translife, #ts, #tv, singapore, transgender
Tags: #cd, #lifestyle, #singapore, #translife, #ts, #tv, bdsm, cd, leather, lifestyle, singapore, trans, ts, tv