Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A taste of blood and the 3 drinks limit

Ladies nite @ Lulus is a night thick with estrogen and alcohol. The Themysciran beauties number in 77 . I am on 5" stilts and they on flats. A hunch for a kiss, if it's going to be a lesbian night. The strong cocktail accentuated the hunt. A beautiful young brunette locked eyes with this lil blond. A signal to the ladies. Three cocktail drinks, a taste of blood and blondiestiltskin is in barf town.
Drunk as Wednesday's Monk. Celibate it shall be. No femme funk when a nice bed beckons.

SGGURLS founder
kik nicolesingslave

SGGURLS an open umbrella transgender social group. Friends welcome. Be cool, friendly and comfy in your own skin.
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Tags: lifestyle, singapore, transgender

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