Wednesday, April 19, 2017

SGGURLS March 2017 Meet: found new moderators and ISO more mods.

The last 24 hour was spicier than all the episodes of Tanglin. The Friday started by being stood up by my date. I waited like a goondoo until 8:00 pm. All he got to do was show up @ office, pick me up and go to SGGURLS gathering. But lucky for me I had another date. :-) Lo and Behold at the SGGURLs meet, I discovered that the organizer didn't even bother showing up. What's even worse was that she was my best friend and she lied to me. She went to another event organized by someone who salivates to own SGGURLS. The truth unravelled this morning when the big mouth who went to their party spilled the beans. Early 2016, before the fist fight of Cr and Es, Es brokered a meeting asking me to make Cr an owner of SGGURLS. I said I will think about it. The meeting was so stupid I never wrote anything about it. Can a drunkard really garner followers and be an influencer in SGGURLS? I laughed so hard that orange juice came out from my nose. But as life would have it, never underestimate a drunkard jackal. It outmanouvered me. Cr organized events to conincide with SGGURLS meet. Cr has got most of SGGURLS 2016 mods. I am a little sore that I got bitten by a cunning dog and it's done so insidiously that movie insicidious should take a page out of our politics. I can't be angry with the big Lady upstairs for cleaning my SGGURLS house for me. So I am in search of NEW mods for SGGURLS. I would eventually like to hand over the leadership reins to the right mod. The quality of SGGURLS mods:
  • do what you say and say what you mean
I started SGGURLS when the internet was still a baby, the camera and phone were different devices. I posted events and I showed up even I was the only one. I recruited moderators that helped me formed the first nucleous of SGGURLS. I made some mistakes along the way by putting wrecks as moderators. The March event was organized by my best friend who turncoat and lied about it. And most smart people will smell bullshit a mile away. Yours was just in Golden mile.
  • your real life is in order
For mods to really help other people, your life must in order. That means you need a stable job. You are socially responsible and you got street cred.
  • mentally and emotionally stable
This criteria is best described by an example of what NOT to be. There's a toxic old fart who runs around town, bad mouthing everyone, bragging that she's a millionaire, claming to be a recovering gambling addict and offering free BJ to any guy desperate to have a lip around his shaft. This a person is so insecure that the only way she can feel good is by making everyone else feel like dirt including his loving wife who may on her last league of her life. Stultus, ut hoc adepto fulgur percussit per sapientiae SGGURLS forum SGGURLS facebook: #singapore #lifestyle #transgender #tv #ts #cd

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