Friday, October 21, 2016

Meetup, Boat Quay and 2 dates

15 October 2016 @ 09:40 am
After many months of coaxing by Esther, I finally attended one of the Friday meetups meant for your working professional heterosexuals. I had to wear one of those cheezy tags with a green star strategically placed on my chest.

The whole meet felt more like a meat market with young ladies hopeful to find a future husband and socially inept geeks looking to score. The session wasn't as bad as I. I got both men and women checking me out in a lustful way. I guess it helps to dress like a cross between the girl next door and a pole dancer. So that makes me a double crossdresser.

Friday night I ended up with two dates. One with Esther and another with an extremely shy admirer who like soft MtF. I guess having a guy fetch me to the meetup and rubbing my legs, while I read off the GPS direction from my phone is a turnon.

This Friday deserved a penned-in as my life journey. Getting the know Esther made my journey interesting. I have shunned going to straight places and stuck within the pink belt. I guess that was my box. Esther operates out-of-the-box and I wasn't really enthusiastic about going to an event with 100 to 150 straight people. Though I didn't really bother networking with anyone there, for the first time I did really get to talk to Esther. I see her almost every day but we never really talked. But that night we talked about SGGURLS, her and life in general. She's one of those rare person that can visit a factory and figure out the entire operation down to the design. I guess maybe I am one of the few gurls in SGGURLS that can appreciate diversity. I met up with Shanica a while back and she asked me poignantly that is SGGURLS chinese oriented as the gurls tended to stick to themselves and spoke Mandarin. My answer is encapsulated in an old photo taken with a good friend of mine, Deanna. We both like BDSM and I have always engendered SGGURLS with a diverse DNA where we appreciate all spectrum of humanity and sexuality.

Anyways, it's about 2:00 am. I guess I am so tired all the time and as much as I enjoyed an interesting Friday night, I would just be as happy to laze at home and watch porn.
Current Location: singapore

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