Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Saturday Night in Tocame

A Saturday Night in Tocame
Singapore, 8 November 2008

It had been a very long time since we visited our friends at Tocame. Tocame primarily caters to the lesbian crowd and it is not a wonder that we found the best looking women on the planet crowded in this little space. Its times like this that I am so glad that I am a dyke.

The lovely Mistress Shirley and Mistress Sally were gracious enough to drop by for a drink (not in any pics as requested). Our official photographer for the night was Patric (also not in any pics as requested). Cindy dropped by with lots of gifts for the Chalet. OMG the gurl is giving away a fortune of lovely dresses: silk 
dresses, designer cotton tops, etc. This gurl was so tempted to keep them for herself. Linda came out with an excellent suggestion to auction off the clothes and donate the money to charity. We'll most likely do as Linda recommended. I can think of a few deserving charities like the Children's Pocket Fund. We can 
have our event Chairwoman (miss Adaline) write a check on behalf of SGGURLS to two or three deserving charities.

After midnight, Joy showed us the ropes of having a good time. Once the genie was out of the bag, some of the gurls were quite tied up for the night. Trish was too enamored with the KTV system that she didn't notice some nice white ropes on her. :-P Or maybe she did but she just ignored the pest that was on bugged her.
We just hoped that we didn't embarass the TocaMe patrons too much. There were a few patrons that walked up to us and said 
that the ropes look like fun. They were wondering what happens next. Nic told them that 
they can take the packaged gurls back with them if they so desired. Our new friends smiled and winked at 
the gurls, absolutely delighted with such a naughty treat. ;-)

We like to thank our friends and the management at Tocame 
for the warm hospitality. For more information on TocaMe bar, please visit or email
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