Friday, August 29, 2008

Singapore: AUGUST BDSM Munch

Singapore: AUGUST BDSM Munch
Singapore, 28 August 2008
If you have a choice to watch bad TV on a Thursday night or come to a SM munch, which would it be for you?
28 people chose the latter (pictures not posted as requested). There were quite a few newbies in this meet. We had to make sure that they were not in the wrong place. There were two groups of very nice looking people and a sexy couple sitting quietly in one corner. Nicole gave them a quiz: does a BDSM meet stand for "Business Development Sales Marketing" meet, "Big Daddy Small Mama" meet, or "Bondage Discipline Sado Masochism"? Luckily, the newbies answered correctly. They were introduced to several toys two of which were from auction from Mistress Cyra. Most of everyone could not guess the use of the hot-icy stimulator. A few thought it was a magic wand. Most of the newbies thought the penis gag was something they stick in their other holes....OO000oooooh oh. Nic naughtily introduced the crop and her version of the 'friendship' bracelet to the newbies. They had loads of fun with the toys.
We had a good representation of moderators who kept the party safe, sane, legal and fun. Our dear founders MJ, Sir Alex, Hendrik, Mistress Karen, and the team from SGGURLS were there to make sure that people didn't feel bored. After a few drinks, people started getting a little more relaxed; the mingling started. Some of the slaves got a little naughty raring the Dominants to get a go at them. That night we had Master R & slave, Master Richard & His haarem (no kidding, Master Richard brought his whole haarem), Master Brian & slave, Master John & slave nina, Master Alex & haarem, Hendrik & plenty of his Sales Marketing friends, andy, sWitch Dyna, and many more people whose names escape me at the moment.
The night was filled with bondage, spanking, caning, teasing, and merri-making. Since DYMK closes at midnight, all the kinksters had to leave the magic kingdom. See you all again on the last Thursday of next month.
We would like to thank the DYMK team and management for supporting SM meets.
DYMK bar:
Singapore BDSM society:
SE Asia BDSM society:
China BDSM society:

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