Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2007 countdown: HELLO 2008

2007 countdown: HELLO 2008 The countdown in our favorite bar was fantastic. Adaline bought a box of party popper where the confetti shoots out with a loud bang and some foam spray. Our bar hostesses provided more fun noise makers with lots of crazy drinking games to win free booze. The countdown was specatulary greeted with much gusto with the sound decibel exceeding the sonic boom.
I learned on the countdown party that our host were actually hostess and whew...were they pretty. Now I know why the SGGURLS felt so at home there. Our humble bar hostesses turned out to be extremely gorgeous and well established tgurls; pardon me, they prefer to be called female impersonators.

We had quite few rounds of tequila & vodka shots so much so that in the drinking competition we lost slurping down a jug of beer by three seconds.
Singapore tv/ts/cd group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sggurls

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