Thursday, March 21, 2019

Ladies Nite. A meet with many beauties and two misses.

Ladies night at Lulus is always a blast. Wouldn't you want to be in a place filled with gorgeous ladies gyrating your bodies. Two person didn't: Dr.Strange and the Rzezba the over-thinker..

Dr. Strange asked me if any of the original troublemakers was still in SGGURLS.Troublemaker is a misnomer. Why? Falling in and out love is human. We genuinely love each other as friends and sisters.Our love affair of 8 years didn't survive sex, jealousy and pride. The evil trio invited the evil twin of Love. Hate reared its ugly head. Hell has no fuly like bellas' scorned and the gurls laid waste to the forum. It took me almost a week to censor the hurricane of flames. As one of the founders of SGGURLS, I am probably the sole original SGGURLS in the forum. It's good to have amnesia of bad events as love and time heals. There's a beautiful Muslim adage: someone gives your first bath and someone will give you your last. Hence, we have moved on. SGGURLS is an umbrella transgender forum in Singapore for transgenders, friends and familes. It remains one the biggest local facebook group to date. While facebook uses the word group, It's not really a group but just a place where people pop in to say the wanna meet. Personally I don't like the label "pride" such gay pride, Pride is the downfall of the foolish. There is no lgbt pride in SGGURLS but lots of LGBT love. AND don't read this line with your mind on your joystick. I am still running SGGURLS but barely as I am always fighting for a rare downtime. I am hopeful to find the next super star who's loving, level headed and smart to take over. LOL, a very typical Singaporean kiasu successor mentality.
We typically have our weekly Ladies night. It's posted on our forum. Just come say by and be yourself. Don't act creepy like stare at us the whole night with your vampire cloak on. The event is open to everyone who can see the post. SGGURLS facebook,